Song lyrics 213 by Slayer

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Driving compulsion, morbid thoughts come to mind
Sexual release buried deep inside
Complete control of a prized possession
To touch and fondle with no objection
Lonely souls, an emptiness fulfilled
Physical pleasures and addictive thrill
An object of perverted reality
An obsession beyond your wildest dreams

Death loves final embrace
Your cool tenderness
Memories keep love alive
Memories will never die

The excitement of dissection is sweet
My skin crawls with orgasmic speed
A lifeless object for my subjection
An obsession beyond your imagination
Primitive instinct, a passion for flesh
Primal feeding on the multitudes of death
Sadistic acts, a love so true
Absorbingly masticating a part of you


I need a friend
Please be my companion
I don't want to be
Left alone with my sanity

Erotic sensations tingle my spine
A dead body lying next to mine
Smooth blue black lips
I start salivating as we kiss
Mine forever, this sweet death
I cannot forget your soft breaths
Panting excitedly with my hands around
Your neck
Taken from
Shades are drawn
No one out can see
What I've done
What's become of me
Here I stand
Above all that's been true
How I love
How I love to kill you

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