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Everythin' start some days before
With a boy I watched him in his job
But he never watched me
One night, he asked me why did I saw him
And I liked his...thing
It's all about my first time
I fuck with aboy and I didn't knew him
It's all about my first time
I can't belive my first time were so horrible
The day after that he asked me to get in his car
He asked me when will we do it
And the heat take over me
I started to kiss his...
Chorus x2
Was so horrible (x2)
We make it in his car
Wasn't romantical at nothin'
And I can't belive
I fucked with him
I dedn't knew his name
Chorus (Slow)
Chorus x2
Taken from AlbumSongAndLyrics.com
Verse 3