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[Nasty Minds D12 Background]
Shit dog,
[Swifty Mcvay]
I jus told him.
The motherfucker that he goin´ to far wit this shit.
He´s doin´ that crazy ass shit he talkin´ nigga..
Uh What..?
[Swifty Mcvay]
Nigga don´t act like you don´t know this group member.
Mother fucka´.
You know he talkin´ that crazy ass shit.
He goin´ to far Man.
[D12 Mumbbeling]
[Swifty Mcvay]
Man, It´s sweet. It aint bad..
[D12 Mumbelling]
Aiy, Aiy, Aiy, Aiy, BIZZY!
Bring yo´ fat ass over here..
nigga, C´mere.
[D12 Laughing]
[Swifty Mcvay]
Kick that shit in here..
Wanna Kick some shit man?
Turn the radio down dogg, turn the radio dog.
My girlfriends in the olympics, she´ll be running track meets
Im lieying, shes a pera pleeder, she eats wit her feet´
[D12 Laughing]
The Fuck´ you laughin at?
She´ll be here next week.
In a black jeep, wit 2 other Handicap Freaks.
[D12 Laughing]
Yeah Nigga! Haha.
That shits dope man,
thats some crazy ass shit.
That was some crazy shit dogg!
[D12 Mumbelling]
That was crazy.
That was crazy as hell to hear.
[D12 Laughing and Mumbelling]