Song lyrics C Moon by Paul Mccartney

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C Moon, C Moon, C Moon is she.
C Moon, C Moon, C Moon to me.

How come no one older than me
Ever seems to understand the things I wanna to do?
It will be L7 and I'd never get to heaven
If I filled my head with glue
What's it all to you?

C Moon, C Moon, C Moon is she
C Moon, C Moon, C Moon to me

Bobby lived with Patty
But they never told her daddy
What their love was all about
She could tell her lover that he thought but
She never was the type to let it out
What's it all about?

C Moon, C Moon, oh C Moon are we
C Moon, C Moon, C Moon are we

How come no one older than me
Ever seems to understand the things I wanna to do?
It will be L7 and I'd never get to heaven
If I filled my head with glue
What's it all to you?

C Moon, C Moon, C Moon is she
C Moon, C Moon, C Moon to me

Bobby lived with Patty
But they never told her daddy
What their love was all about
She could tell her lover that he thought but
She never wanted to let it out
What's it all about?

C Moon, C Moon, C Moon are we
C Moon, C Moon, C Moon are we

Well what's it all about?
Taken from
C Moon, C Moon, C Moon are we
C Moon are we

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