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Am I the half of half-and-half
Or am I the half thats whole?
Ive got to be one with all my halves
Its my worthy earthly goal
Its my worthy earthly goal
Its my worthy earthly goal
Are you the heavy half
Of the lighter me
Are you the ready part
Of the lighter me
When I came apart
I wasnt made of sand
When you fell apart
Clay crumbled in my hands
Long way a life load
Statues and haloes
Am I the half of half-and-half
Or am I the half thats whole
Am I the half thats whole
Am I the half thats whole
Are you the wrongful half
Of the rightful me
Are you the mongol half
Of the cerebral me
When I came apart
I wasnt made of sand
When you fell apart
Clay crumbled in my hands
When I came apart
I wasnt made of sand
When you fell apart
Clay crumbled in my hands
If we exercise just some control
When we exercise our sum control
Oh isnt it nice
When your heart is made out of ice
Oh isnt it nice
When your heart is made out of ice
Are you the heavy half
Of the lighter me
Are you the ready part
That has entered me
Am I the shall in po-ten-tial
Or am I the suck in cess
Pools of delusion
Deluge me
Am I the more or less
Am I the more or less
Am I the more or less
When I came apart
I wasnt made of sand
When you fell apart
Clay crumbled in my hands
When I came apart
I wasnt made of sand
Taken from AlbumSongAndLyrics.comWhen I was the cain
You were the abel
When I came apart
Clay crumbled in my hands