Day after day
Night after night
Nothing in love
Is black or white
Deep down inside
Trying to touch
Wanting to say
I love you so much...
Wish for a star
Sparkling light
Don't run away
Just hold me tight
Deep down inside
Trying to touch
Wanting to say
love you so much!
Tomorrow you will find
A way into the light Ahava
You and I Ahava
Ya Vo Ha Yom
Le Cha Ve Li
Ya Vo Ha Lom
Koo Lo She Li
Bli Mil Ha Ma
Bli Ema
Rak Ahava
La Ne Sha Ma
Tomorrow we will find
Destiny is calling Ahava
You and I Ahava
Di li lai...
Don't run and hide,
Don't hold me tight
I'm going there to see the light
I wish to know the magic star
I wish to know the ...
Oooh... Oooh...
Aaah... Aaah...
Tomorrow we will find
A way into the light Ahava
You and I Ahava
Taken from AlbumSongAndLyrics.comAaah... Aaah...