Dedicate song lyrics Falling Star by Jet



 dedicated Falling Star by Jet and sent the following message:

Know that I loved you from the start
When we've believed in who we are
I never dreamed my life this way.

Don't wish upon a falling star
Love wil remind us who we are
I dreamed a dream, so much has changed.

Wake! You've been sleeping
And tell me what do you believe in
You've been so far
You should have been a star.

Before the light begins to fade
I was hoping that you'd show me the way
To never ever be afraid to change.

Wake! You've been sleeping
And tell me what do you believe in
Wake! You've been sleeping
You've pushed too far now you're bleeding
You've been so far
you should have been a star.
Taken from
And the light that you've been keeping inside
Will guide you on your way.

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