Dedicate song lyrics It's so hot I can't move by Mary Ann Montecarló



 dedicated It's so hot I can't move by Mary Ann Montecarló and sent the following message:

It's so hot in here that I can't even move my body today
I'm feelin' the music but Ican't dance
I wanna shake my body and get to you
I woo't try it 'cos I don't wanna get up from the chair
Maybe you could help me to slow down the hot in me

You drive me...out of my mind but i won't get to you
I need to see you... But I think I couldn't stand up

You better move ya body and come to me
You better do it faster because I won't wait
Get a little naked and show me what you got
I wanna see it all because I'm very hot
Taken from
Chorus x2

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