Dedicate song lyrics Pranging out by The Streets



 dedicated Pranging out by The Streets and sent the following message:

I get back from tour and suddenly it doesn´t seem like much fun to be off my face at quarter to 11am

You´re prangin out,
I see through you (I feel awful)
This voice is talking to me,
This aint even funny (The irons been on in my house has been in for 4 fucking weeks)
I see through you,
I´m about to do something stupid

I daren´t say what my manager got lairy and smacked me, these headaches are getting unbearably nasty.
Staring at the crackwork looking scary with my brandy, the rock and roll clich© walks in and then
smacked me.
Carelessly wreckin´ out prang just to handle the fear, I do a line but then panic cos I feel a bit
So I glug marlon from the bottle to ease off the pain, then when it starts wearing off I just feel a bit sad.
Snort more tour support and then have a drink, the bruise on the side of my head is madly banging.
The only reason I started this was to still be here laughing, the only reason I started this was to
still be here laughing.

You´re pranging out,
I see through you,
This voice is talking to me,
This aint even funny
I see through you,
I´m about to do something stupid.

The girl in my bed was kinda distant right now, I know she´s thinking she´s a bit frightened somehow,
I don´t think she realised what I´d invited her back to my house.
I don´t want anyone to see me like this right now,
All sorts of thoughts rolling back in my eyes,
I´ve been a poor sport thoughts dance in my mind,
A banging headache, dancing prang by their side,
Dancing with the pictures from the past of my life,
I don´t remember any of what I just thought at all,
The conclusion prior to when I forgot it all,
Panicking a bit, getting frightened of fuck all,
So nursing my bruise I drink right from the bottle,
I don´t want anyone I know to see me like this,
My fibs in single became lies in lists,
She´s gonna sell/tell no doubt,
Fuck it I´m not gonna stop drinking though, I cant for now.

You´re pranging out,
I see through you,
This voice is talking to me,
This aint even funny.
I see you through you,
I´m about to do something stupid.

My laptop must have slipped down and gone to sleep,
Before the prang this pain was to dawn on me,
Around the time I was sketching trying to con some sleep,
And the new day on me was nearly dawning in here,
I must have flaked while I inputted, waging loads more.
Cos I staked on bookings, way to tow the score.
Why do I break my rules not to wager anymore?
I´d flaked on the bookings and majorly totalled on the score,
I´ve got a simple problem, but my minds spinning out,
I remembered the website between the wine and the stout,
My rush of fear made me forget how fucked I had been,
This time I´m drying my eyes and a fucking nose bleed,
Turning my phone off when my promo guy phones me,
The day before getting nasty with my manager when he only bit me,
I threw his wallet out of the window as it was growing heated,
He said ´Sort your life out´ as he punched me over to my feet.

[Chorus x2]
You´re pranging out,
I see through you,
This voice is talking to me,
This aint even funny
I see you through you,
I´m about to do something stupid.

Right now logic states I need to be not contemplating suicide,
Cos with rational thought it would seem that I need to be not doing the stuff that makes death seem like
an easier option,
I need a totally trojan plan right now.

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