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During World War I life was a struggle in Berlin<br />And getting food and staple supplies was a big problem<br />The desperate German people would buy food upon the street<br />From the shady street vendors who were selling cuts of meat<br /><br />CHORUS 1<br />Georg Grossman was a very gross man<br />Sellin meat on the street to the people of Berlin<br />Gerog claimed the meat was beef or pork butchered just for them<br />But little did they know that Grossman was deceiving them<br /><br />Georg Grossman lived in a Berlin slum apartment and asked for special privileges<br />But he always paid his rent<br />He wanted kitchen privacy with no disturbances<br />So the landlord did comply wit his tenant's wishes<br /><br />(CHORUS 1)<br /><br />Georg Grossman was a big man with a violent past<br />Arrested many times and on kid died from his attracts<br />He supported himself by begging and peddling on the street<br />With one legimate vocation, he learned to btucher meat<br /><br />(CHORUS 1)<br /><br />Georg brought many prostitutes back to his apartment<br />He'd take them to the kitchen with no suspicions fom tenants<br />But the tenants didn't know that Georg was butchering his prey to sell the meat<br />upon the street the very next day<br /><br />CHORUS 2<br />Georg Grossman was a very gross man<br />Turning people into cannibals in Berlin<br />He claimed the meat was beef or pork butchered just for them<br />But the meat came from the prostitutes murdered by Grossman<br /><br />Throughout the war Georg Grossman sold his special cuts of meat<br />Making cannibals out of Germans saying it was porko or beef<br />And then one night the landlord heard screaming in the kitchen<br />He called the police who found a woman prepared for butchering<br /><br />(CHORUS 2)<br /><br />Georg Grossman was not willing to supply information<br />They estimated he butchered at least 50 women<br />The court convicted Grossman and they sentenced him to die<br />He hung himself in the prison Georg committed suicide<br /><br />(CHORUS 2)
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During World War I life was a struggle in Berlin<br />And getting food and staple supplies was a big problem<br />The desperate German people would buy food upon the street<br />From the shady street vendors who were selling cuts of meat<br /><br />CHORUS 1<br />Georg Grossman was a very gross man<br />Sellin meat on the street to the people of Berlin<br />Gerog claimed the meat was beef or pork butchered just for them<br />But little did they know that Grossman was deceiving them<br /><br />Georg Grossman lived in a Berlin slum apartment and asked for special privileges<br />But he always paid his rent<br />He wanted kitchen privacy with no disturbances<br />So the landlord did comply wit his tenant's wishes<br /><br />(CHORUS 1)<br /><br />Georg Grossman was a big man with a violent past<br />Arrested many times and on kid died from his attracts<br />He supported himself by begging and peddling on the street<br />With one legimate vocation, he learned to btucher meat<br /><br />(CHORUS 1)<br /><br />Georg brought many prostitutes back to his apartment<br />He'd take them to the kitchen with no suspicions fom tenants<br />But the tenants didn't know that Georg was butchering his prey to sell the meat<br />upon the street the very next day<br /><br />CHORUS 2<br />Georg Grossman was a very gross man<br />Turning people into cannibals in Berlin<br />He claimed the meat was beef or pork butchered just for them<br />But the meat came from the prostitutes murdered by Grossman<br /><br />Throughout the war Georg Grossman sold his special cuts of meat<br />Making cannibals out of Germans saying it was porko or beef<br />And then one night the landlord heard screaming in the kitchen<br />He called the police who found a woman prepared for butchering<br /><br />(CHORUS 2)<br /><br />Georg Grossman was not willing to supply information<br />They estimated he butchered at least 50 women<br />The court convicted Grossman and they sentenced him to die<br />He hung himself in the prison Georg committed suicide<br /><br />(CHORUS 2)
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