Song lyrics Forever Yellow Skies by The Cranberries

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Yellow skies, I can see the yellow skies
See you again, I see you again
In my dreams, in my dreams
in my dreams, in my dreams

Morning light, I remember morning light
Outside my doors, I'll see you no more
In my dreams, in my dreams
In my dreams, in my dreams

Forever, Forever I'll be forever holding you
Forever, Forever I'll be forever holding you
Responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible

So black and white
It's become so black and white
So insecure, you're so insecure
That's what you are, That's what you are
That's what you are, That's what you are

Forever, Forever I'll be forever holding you.
Forever, Forever I'll be forever holding you.
Responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible
Taken from
Forever, Forever I'll be forever holding you
Forever, Forever I'll be forever holding you
Responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible

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