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I tell you
it's the last time left
the last to mourn
I say the last tear felt, baby
and the last fear of all.
It's the very last end
of the very last road
and the last real pain
since the day you were born.
(that's why I'm telling you)
It's goodbye, my baby
it's goodbye
it's the time, my baby
to go by
but I'll see you soon
on the other side
sitting by the road
playing your guitar.
Es el último llanto
y la última sed
son mis últimos besos
sobre tu piel.
Son las últimas piedras
bajo tus pies
es el último río
que veras correr.
Taken from AlbumSongAndLyrics.com
It's goodbye, my baby
it's goodbye
it's the time, my baby
to go by
but I'll see you soon
on the other side
sitting by the road
playing your guitar.