Song lyrics Heaven remix september 11th by Dj Sammy

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it´s been a year daddy
I really really miss you
Mammy says we´re safe now
In a beautiful place called heaven
We have your favorite dinner toonight I ate all up
Even though I don´t like chips
I learned hot to swim this summer
I can even open my eyes
When im under water
Cant you see me?
I started kindergarden this year
Carried out a picture of us on my cruise bruise lunch bag
You were the greatest daddy
I can explain all this win by myself
Even though I miss you pushing me
Cant you see me?
I miss how you used to tickle me
Tickle my belly
My belly hurts
I try not to cry
Mammy says there saoking
I know you dont like it when I cry
You never want me to be sad
I try daddy but it hurts
Making sure you´re not coming home
Maybe some day..
I can visit you in heaven okey?
Its time for me to go to bed now
I sleep with the ligth
Jus in case you come home
and kiss me goodnight
I love you so much
I miss you daddy

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