Song lyrics Hero by Europe

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it's not like I wouldn't dream, if you had not shown the way
it's not like I wouldn't fight, not knowing 'bout your life
it's not like I wouldn't stand, right here with you my friends

but you thru us all a line, when our days slipped away
you gave us of your time

cause you were my hero, my Friday night
you wrote the soundtrack to my life
and gave me something to hold on to
when I was growing up you were the rock
in my life

it's not like I live my days by every word you spoke
like I'm up every night drinking with your ghost
it's not like I can't look back without moving on

but you thru us all a line when our days slipped away
you gave us of your time

cause you were my hero, my Friday night
you wrote the soundtrack to my life
and gave us kids a chance to dream
days when I had enough, you were the rock
in my life

you still throw me that line, as my days slipped away
you give me of your time
Taken from
You still my hero, my Friday night
You wrote the soundtrack to my life
You give me something to hold on to
As I'm still growing up you are the rock
In my life

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