Song lyrics How Do You Feel by Jefferson Airplane

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Look into her eyes
Do you see what I mean
Just look at her hair
And when she speaks, oh what a pleasant surprise

How do you feel
Just look at her smile
Do you see what I mean
She is looking our way
Oh how I wish we could stay, just stay for a while
How do you feel

When I meet a girl like that
I don't know what to say
But to meet a girl like that
Brightens up my day
My day, oh
How do you feel

Just look at her walk
Do you see what I mean
She is coming our way
Oh, how my heart beats, I don't even think I can talk
How do you feel

When I meet a girl like that
I don't know what to say
But to meet a girl like that
Brightens up my day
My day, oh
How do you feel
Taken from
How do you feel
Do you know how you feel
Just look at her smile
(Tell me how do you feel)
Look into her eyes
(Tell me how do you feel)
She is coming our way
(Tell me how do you feel)
Look into her eye
(Tell me how do you feel)
She is coming our way
(Tell me how do you feel)

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