Song lyrics It looks like rain by Jann Arden

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I flagged a taxi long before you wake
The sun had not yet risen, morning not yet broke
It looks like rain
It looks like rain

A little starling swept above my sleepy head
He plucked a single hair and took off
Laughing madly as he fled
The driver drinking brandy said, here is to the day
It looks like rain
It looks like rain

And every breath I ever took
Every tear I ever wept
Every star I wished upon
Seemed nothing until now
Every prayer I ever said
Seemed strangely answered now
Could it be I'm in love? could it be I'm in love?

I made the driver park the car beside the sea
I gazed upon the fading dark
And slowly buckled at the knees
The driver drinking gladly said here is to the day
It looks like rain
It looks like rain
Taken from
(chorus repeat)

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