Song lyrics Let's Go All The Way by Sly Fox

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Sitting with the thinker
Trying to work it out
It's a traffic jam of the brain
Makes you want to scream and shout.
Presidential party
No one wants to dance

Looking for a new star to put you in a trance.
Let's go all the way
Let's go all the way

Let's go all the way.

Working in a factory
Eight days a week
Try to make dollar
Damn, what a beat.
Cartoon capers
Happen in reality

Rich man
Poor man
Livin' in fantasy.

Let's go all the way
Let's go all the way

Oh, oh, oh
let's go all the way.

Living in New York
Looks like an apple core
Asphalt jungle
Got to be a man of war.
California dreamers
Sinking in the sand
The Hollywood squares are
Living in Disneyland.

Let's go all the way
(Let's go all the way)

Let's go all the way
Let's go, Ah, Ah, Ahh
Let's go all the way
Let's go all the way.

Let's go all the way
we need heaven on earth today
Ah, Ah, Ahh
We can make a better way
Let's go all the way

Go all the way
Let's go all the way.
Taken from
Na na nanana
Na nananana nana
Na na nana ya

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