Song lyrics Lou Reed In My City by Love Of Lesbian

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then I, used to be, surrounded by your arms....

No I wish, go to these days, to that fire, go,
by the streets of my city
now I wish, go to these days, to that fire, go,
by the streets of my city, how I wish, how I wish

A day lying in my storm,
still fly alone like I've allways done
It s just the kind of things i love
so proud of myself,
I´m the opposite of you
so you appear in certain forms
it allways hurts so i destoy it
these are that kind of things I avoid
when a motherfucker took me a photograph of you
and i looked back,
a girl that never smiled
it was the day that star played in our city, again
and I saw that night
and all these treasures inside
ironicly it was me looking so stupid

then I, used to be, surrounded by your arms....
and now I feel and I wonder where´s that fire

No¡ I wish, go to these days, to that fire, go,
by the streets of my city
now I wish, go to these days, to that fire, go,
by the streets of my city, how I wish, how I wish
then I, used to be, surrounded by your arms....

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No I wish, go to these days, to that fire, go,
by the streets of my city
now I wish, go to these days, to that fire, go,
by the streets of my city, how I wish, how I wish

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