Song lyrics Love Song by Ac Dc

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I can tell by the look in your eye
I can tell by the way you sigh
That you know I've been thinking of you
And you know what I want to do

Oh Jean, Oh Jean
Oh Jean, Oh Jean

When you smile I see stars in the sky
When you smile I see sunrise
And I know you've been thinking of me
And I know how you want it to be

Oh Jean, Oh Jean
Oh Jean, Oh Jean

I can tell by the things you say
I can tell that you know the way
And I know what you want me to do
Oh, I've got hearts and flowers for you

If you leave me you'll make me cry
When I think of you saying goodbye
Oh the sky turns to a deeper blue
That's, that's how I'd feel if I lost you
Taken from
Jean, Oh Jean
Don't go and leave me
'Cause I love, I love you, I love you, don't leave me
It would make me cry, if you said goodbye
Don't go away Jean, don't you leave baby baby

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