Song lyrics My generation by Green Day

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Well, people try to put us down
Talkin' bout my generation
Just because we get around
Talkin' bout my generation
The things they do look awful cold
Talkin' bout my generation
I hope I die before I get old
Talkin' bout my generation

My generation

Why don't you all just fade away?
Talkin' bout my generation
And don't try to dig what we all say
Talkin' bout my generation
I'm not trying to cause a big sensation
Talkin' bout my generation
I'm just talkin' bout my generation
Talkin' bout my generation

My generation.

Break it, freak that shoot!

Why don't you all just fade away?
Talkin' bout my generation
And don't try to dig what we all say
Talkin' bout my generation
I'm not trying to cause a big sensation
Talkin' bout my generation
I'm just talkin' bout my generation
Talkin' bout my generation

My generation
Talkin' bout my generation
Taken from
This is my generation
This is my generation, baby

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