Song lyrics Oil and water by Incubus

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You and I are like oil and water
And we´ve been trying, trying trying
Ohhhh, to mix it up.
We´ve been dancing on a volcano
And we´ve been crying, crying, crying
Over blackened souls.
Babe, this wouldn´t be the first time,
it will not be the last time.
There is no parasol that would sehlter this weather.
I been smiling with anchors on my shoulders
But I´ve been dying, dying, dying
Ohh, Ohh, Oh to let them go.
Babe, this wouldn´t be the first time,
it will not be the last time.
There is no parasol that would sehlter this weather.
Babe, this wouldn´t be the first time,
it will not be the last time.
We were trying to believe that everything would get better.
We´ve been lying to each other
Hey! Babe! Let´s just call it what it is!
Oil and Water!
Oil and Water!
Oil and Water!

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