Song lyrics Stand by Motorhead

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Stand - you can make it
Stand - you can take it
Stand - realize that nobody can break you if you
Stand - you can do it
Stand - go right to it
Stand - nobody can do a damn thing to you

But you can't stand - if you don't care
Can't stand - if you don't dare
Can't stand - if you're running scared
Forget you're blood and bone
Stand like you're made of stone

Stand - on your honor
Stand - show you're gonna
Stand - they can't put the creeping death upon you

If you stand - never move it
Stand - gotta prove it
Stand - gonna stand 'cause you can't stand to lose it

Stand - stand - stand like a rock
Stand - stand - you can stop their clock
Stand - stand - put them into shock
Stand - stand - you'd better stand

Stand - stand together
Stand - yeah you'd better
Stand - don't you know that you can live forever if you
Stand - one for all
Stand - don't you crawl
Stand - if you stand then you deserve it all
Taken from
But if you can't stand,
You make them the boss,
Can't stand - it's a total loss
Can't stand - they'll nail you to the cross
Forget you're blood and bone
Stand like you're made of stone

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