Song lyrics The Land's Revenge by Tuatha De Danann

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I remember when this play began long time ago
Our relationship was too better than today
Before that was so much respect of each part of the game
Now it seems like you have forget all of this.

You have going too far without looking back
You must remember: without me your life fells down

I thought that with you could learn with the things that passed
I was expecting from an eternal beautifull road
Now is my turn to show you how strong is my revenge
Without my cares and my love youŽll fall youŽll see.

It would be so easy to both of us to live well
And I never ask you much - Never, Never...
Only ask you attention, unio, love and partnership
You come slaying parts of me day after day

Rivers,seas,lakes you have dirting,
Woods, trees, animals you come slaying
Why dont you only take me the enough you need?
Our existence would be wonderful my dude...

ThatŽs the last warning IŽll give you:
Change the way you move on
Through the land I Am
Taken from
ThatŽs the last warning IŽll give you:
Change the way you move on
Through the land I Am

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