Translation of Full Circle by Loreena Mckennitt


Stars were falling deep in the darkness as prayers
rose softly, petals at dawn And as I listened,
your voice seemed so clear so calmly you were
calling your god

Somewhere the sun rose, o'er dunes in the desert
such was the stillness, I ne'er felt before Was
this the question, pulling, pulling, pulling you
in your heart, in your soul, did you find rest

Elsewhere a snowfall, the first in the winter
covered the ground as the bells filled the air You
in your robes sang, calling, calling, calling him
in your heart, in your sould, did you find peace
Translate to:

Stars were falling deep in the darkness as prayers
rose softly, petals at dawn And as I listened,
your voice seemed so clear so calmly you were
calling your god

Somewhere the sun rose, o'er dunes in the desert
such was the stillness, I ne'er felt before Was
this the question, pulling, pulling, pulling you
in your heart, in your soul, did you find rest

Elsewhere a snowfall, the first in the winter
covered the ground as the bells filled the air You
in your robes sang, calling, calling, calling him
in your heart, in your sould, did you find peace