Song lyrics Vienna by The Fray

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The day´s last one-way ticket train pulls in
We smile for the casual closure capturing
There goes the downpour
There goes my fare thee well

There´s really no way to reach me
There´s really no way to reach me
There´s really no way to reach me
´Cause I´m already gone

There´s so many words that we can say
Spoken upon long-distance melody
This is my hello
This is my goodness

There´s really no way to reach me
There´s really no way to reach me
There´s really no way to reach me
´Cause I´m already gone

Maybe in five or ten yours and mine will meet again
Straighten this whole thing out
Maybe then honesty need not be feared as a friend or an enemy
But this is the distance
And this is my gameface

There´s really no way to reach me
There´s really no way to reach me
Is there really no way to reach me?
Am I already gone?
So this is your maverick
And this is Vienna

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