Song lyrics Vision of division by The Strokes

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Sing me song
You could be
Tell me a tale
Just like me
Don't turn it my way
Happy and free
I'll turn it to shit
Happy and free...

All that I do is wait for you.
I can't get along with all your friends
I don't know how to act,
That's all there is.
Why do i accept the things you say?
You know what to change,
But not in what way.
How long must I wait ?

I am not you
We could have
I'm almost through
Great success
It's about time
Such a success
That you came through
At no expense
Taken from
All that I do is wait for you.
I can't get along with all your friends
I don't know how to act,
That's all there is.
Why do i accept the things you say?
You know what to change,
But not in what way.
How long must I wait ?

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