Song lyrics We've Been Waiting So Long by Cirque Du Soleil

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Where in this world do we belong?
Tell me when will the light shine on us?
Why did we come this far tonight
And will anyone be here for us?

Where is the truth? Why must she hide?
Is there only one way to her heart?
When did this start? When will it end?
We've been waiting for so long.

Time will leave us behind. Don't fear her.
Do be brave. You must hold your head up high
There's no reason to stop, to worry, to tremble.
Or to think of turning back.

Truth and beauty might well be waiting
Beyond our vision of things!
Turn away from the light
Look towards the shadows
Learn from the shadows

Where are we now? Why must we leave?
Can't we sleep? Can't we dream forever?
Fear like the wind can chill the soul
Must we face her all alone?

Oh no matter how long we must journey
We will... every night and every day
Since the shadows whisper their secrets, their story
We must gently make our way
Taken from
Time will leave us behind. Don't fear her
Do be brave. You must hold your head up high
There's no reason to stop, to worry, to tremble
We must gently make our way

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